20 Books Of Summer 2024

20 Books Of Summer 2024 Challenge #20BooksofSummer #ReadingChallenge


Retired nurse, avid reader and travel buff.

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  1. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    Good luck with the challenge, Jodie💜 I suspect you won’t need it because these are great titles you’ve selected.

  2. aimee can read

    Good luck, Jodie! I’m definitely looking forward to reading Not Another Love Song as well. I’m also seeing titles I’m not familiar with but would love to read–the cover for The Design of Us is gorgeous and definitely has my eye. 🙂

  3. hena

    What a great list! Happy reading.

  4. Her Digital Coffee

    What a fun challenge for the summer! You’ve got a great list and I’m excited to read your reviews. Good luck Jodie!

  5. Cathy746books

    I love how wonderfully summery your choices look Jodie! Thanks so much for taking part. Good luck and happy reading!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you and thanks again for hosting Cathy!

  6. Carla @ CarlaLovesToRead

    Great list, Jodie. I have many of these on my TBR, so hope we both enjoy them when we get to them. I’m sure you won’t need luck to get these all read.

  7. Ani

    What a fun challenge!! Worst case scenario sounds super entertaining 😀

    1. thathappyreader

      I have enjoyed her previous books so I hope this one is just as good!

  8. Viki

    What a great list of books. I have joined the challenge too if you want to check out my list.


    1. thathappyreader

      Good luck on the challenge Viki!

  9. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    Your list looks delightfully summer-y! I just picked up The Best Life Book Club from the library yesterday, so perhaps it will be added to my list, too. Good luck!

    1. thathappyreader

      I’m really hoping my library gets a copy Deb! I hope that we both enjoy it!

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