A December to Remember is a heartwarming holiday tale of three diverse half-sisters reuniting to face whimsical challenges, weaving family, nostalgia, and romance into a...
Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally...
“The Predictable Heartbreaks of Imogen Finch” by Jacqueline Firkins is a heartfelt tale that revolves around Imogen Finch, a woman who has faced seventeen heartbreaks...
“Three Holidays and a Wedding” by Uzma Jalaluddin and Marissa Stapley is a delightful and heartwarming multi-faith holiday rom-com that beautifully weaves together the traditions...
“It Happened One Christmas” by Chantel Guertin is a delightful holiday rom-com that combines a heartwarming Christmas setting with the unlikely romance between a determined...