Women's fiction

A Season for Second Chances by Jenny Bayliss


Retired nurse, avid reader and travel buff.

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  1. lifestyleseason

    Great review! This book sounds really interesting and I like the sound of the protagonist! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jaya Avendel

    Seasonal stories are so delightful to store up for this time of year and delve into when we can most relate to the setting and holiday feelings of the characters! Love that this read includes a quirky town setting and an antic prone book club. 🙂

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Jaya! I love seasonal stories too.

  3. Corinne

    This book sounds good! I like that it’s not a romance novel as those can get a bit boring!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Corinne.

  4. Kim

    Wonderful review, Jodie. This story sounds perfect for the time of year. It’s always a worry when a debut novel hits all the right marks that the second won’t be as good. I’m glad this wasn’t the case.

  5. Jamieadstories

    This sounds like a happy read based by the sea.

  6. Jenny in Neverland

    Strong female protagonists starting over is a must-read for me! Thanks for sharing, great review and yet another book to add to my TBR list!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Jenny! I hope that you enjoy this book.☺️

  7. Katie

    This looks like a good book – I like that the romance isn’t the main focus of the plot, too.

  8. Her Digital Coffee

    I love the cover of this book! Annie sounds like a wonderful character that you root for. I love when books have a strong female protagonist. Thank you for sharing your review Jodie!

  9. The Yorkshire Dreamer

    Fantastic review! This plot sounds great for the festive season, and Annie sounds like an intriguing character. I like that it seems to revolve around self-discovery rather than the typical romance book. Thank you for sharing. 😊

  10. Michelle Gast

    Another good book to add to my list! =) Thanks for sharing.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Michelle!

  11. Aimsy

    I like the sound of this, especially that the basis isn’t a full-on love story. Sounds great to read this time of year!
    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Aimsy xoxo

  12. December 2021 Wrap Up - That Happy Reader

    […] A Season for Second Chances by Jenny Bayliss […]

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