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Book Review: “Being Henry: The Fonz… and Beyond” by Henry Winkler – A Touching Journey of Stardom, Struggle, and Self-Discovery @hwinkler4real @MacmillanAudio @CeladonBooks


Retired nurse, avid reader and travel buff.

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  1. Jody

    WOW! This is an awesome review, Jodie. I have added this to both of my lists, Goodreads and Amazon. Have a wonderful day, my friend ☕📚🐉🤗🫶

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope that you love it Jody!

  2. Her Digital Coffee

    Lovely review, Jodie! This sounds like an amazing and heartfelt memoir. I’d love to add this to my list. Thanks for sharing!

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope that you love it Winnie!

  3. Karalee

    Being Henry sounds like a wonderful memoir, and I’m definitely interested in listening to the audiobook.

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope that you enjoy it Karalee!

  4. Simone

    I may have lived under a stone because I don’t know who Henry is, but it sounds like a beautiful memoir and an exciting read!

    1. thathappyreader

      You are likely too young to remember Happy Days TV show Simone!

  5. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I do love a good memoir, especially if it is read by the person it is about. So glad to hear this was good. I need to check it out! Great review!

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