20 Books Of Summer 2024 2024 2024 Audiobook Challenge Book Review Romance Women's fiction

Book Review: The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center – A Celebration of Romantic Comedies @katherinecenter @StMartinsPress @MacmillanAudio


Retired nurse, avid reader and travel buff.

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  1. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    Wonderful review, Jodie💜 We share the love for this one today.

  2. Lark@LarkWrites

    This is one I’m really looking forward to reading. Center has become one of my favorite authors. I really loved both The Bodyguard and Things You Save in a Fire. 😀

    1. thathappyreader

      I’m sure you will enjoy this one too Lark!

  3. Cindy's Book Corner

    Fabulous review, Jodie!! Have a great week!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Cindy! You too.

  4. Carla@CarlaLovesToRead

    Nice review, Jodie. I enjoyed this one as well. I found it a lot lighter than some of her other books, but fun and enjoyable.

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