2024 Book Recommendations

Can’t Miss Book Releases For August 2024! #bookrecommendations

Can’t Miss Book Releases for August 2024!


  1. ER LeVar

    A Jodi Picoult and a William Kent Kreuger on the same day? Guess I’m planning a trip to the store; my mother will need a ride!

    1. thathappyreader

      What a wonderful daughter you are ER!

  2. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    I want all of these! Thanks for the post, Jodie💜

    1. thathappyreader

      Another great month for books, right Jonetta? ☺️

  3. Raji

    Worst Case Scenario sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing Jodie!

  4. Carla @CarlaLovesToRead

    Lots of great books on this list, Jodie. I have 4 of them on my TBR, plus a bunch more that are being published in August.

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope that you enjoy them all Carla!

  5. Her Digital Coffee

    Wow, what a great list for August! I’m very intrigued by these titles, especially with T.J. Newman and Karin Slaughter’s releases! Thank you for the recommendations Jodie!

  6. Caroline

    I love a sciency book, so I’m definitely looking forward to Miranda in Retrograde! The Group Trip sounds really good too. Thanks, Jodie x

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope we both enjoy them Caroline!

  7. Rolé @ Hooked By That Book

    Great list. I have the Karin Slaughter book on mine. Hope you enjoy them all!

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