2024 Can’t Wait Wednesday

Can’t Wait Wednesday #119: Beach Vibes by Susan Mallery @SusanMallery #CanaryStreetPress

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  1. Carla

    This sounds intriguing. Personally, I’d stay out of it, you’d just Simons up with an angry brother and no best friend. So I can see where a lot of tension would fill this book.

    1. thathappyreader

      It’s going to be an interesting read for sure Carla!

  2. Carla@CarlaLovesToRead

    Great choice, Jodie. I’m also waiting for this one. I love her books.

    1. thathappyreader

      I’m sure we will both enjoy this one Carla.

  3. Her Digital Coffee

    Great choice, Jodie! It’s always exciting to see a new release from an auto-read author. I also love the cover!

    1. thathappyreader

      It’s beautiful isn’t it?

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