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Exploring Love and Magic in Kirsty Greenwood’s ‘The Love Of My After Life’: Book Review @KirstyStories @penguinaudio

The Love Of My After Life by Kirsty Greenwood book review


  1. hena

    Oh this sounds so cute!

  2. Molly | Transatlantic Notes

    I like the idea that this is great to read via audiobook as I am sure it does add a really great extra layer and atmosphere to the story. Great!

  3. Carla@CarlaLovesToRead

    This sounds like a delightful read, Jodie, Great review.

  4. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I agree that this was such a feel good book! I had a blast reading it too. Great review!

    1. thathappyreader

      I’m glad that you enjoyed it too Lisa!

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