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Half-Blown Rose by Leesa Cross-Smith: An Audiobook Review

Half-Blown Rose by Leesa Cross-Smith book cover
  1. Stephanie

    This sounds like an absolutely fascinating novel and I love just about anything set in France. Also, the fact that there are playlists mentioned throughout the book is fantastic. That’s something I really enjoy in a book (any of those extra additions like art, playlists, texts, etc). I may have to read this one soon!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Stephanie! Iā€™d love to know your thoughts on it should you decide to read it.

  2. Fadima Mooneira

    Wowā€¦ story about revenge, eh. Sounds like a good read. Would like to check it out. Thank you for sharing.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Fadima!

  3. I'm All Booked Up

    We love most books set in Paris! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Rocking Specter

    This is a great audiobook review. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Lauren

    I havenā€™t heard of this book before. It sounds interesting. I havenā€™t tried an audio book before. I definitely need to read more. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Lauren! Audiobooks are wonderful because you can clean your home, walk while listening!

  6. Wendy Williams

    I love that this is set in Paris! Now I want to know about the ending too.

    1. thathappyreader

      I think youā€™d like this book Wendy! Thanks for reading.


    Wow! The drama!! I will have to check this out!
    I have found that I most enjoy audio books at night when I should be sleeping…
    Crystal |

  8. Carla

    I havenā€™t heard of this book before. It sounds intriguing. Great review, Jodie.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Carla. It was an interesting read!

  9. According to Chren

    It’s amazing that the author’s passion came across. We like reading books set in foreign cities.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading! I think you will enjoy reading this one!

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