2022 Monthly Wrap Up

June 2022: My Monthly Wrap-up


Retired nurse, avid reader and travel buff.

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  1. Amanda Kay Oaks-Christman

    This looks like it was a great reading month! Thank you for sharing.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Amanda!

  2. Vanessa

    Impressive list! That’s a lot of reading 😊 Thanks for sharing with us, I will have a look at some of these reviews 🤓

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Vanessa!

  3. Carla

    You had a great reading month Jodie. We had a few of the same books on our list this month. I still need to read or listen to Hotel Nantucket.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Carla! I hope that you enjoy The Hotel Nantucket. ☺️

  4. Wendy Williams

    Happy Canada Day, Jodie. Wow, you did have a great month of reading! So many books that I enjoyed too.

  5. Nyxie

    Seems like you had a very busy month!! Wow! I can barely manage one book!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you for reading Nyxie!

  6. Aimsy

    June seems like a great reading month. There are a few I need to catch up on, but I am sure many of these will be added to my reading list now!
    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you for reading Aimsy!

  7. Jamieadstories

    You always get through so many wonderful books! Have a great summer!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Jamie! You too!

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