2024 Monthly Wrap Up

May 2024 Wrap Up


Retired nurse, avid reader and travel buff.

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  1. Ani

    What a great month 😀 Congrats, no books below 4… that’s a success

  2. ER LeVar

    I just hit 41 on my reading challenge, too! Pretty happy with that, considering I’m also researching and writing a dissertation. Here’s to another month of good reading!

  3. Amanda Kay

    Looks like a pretty good month with no books below 4 stars!

  4. Damyanti Biswas

    It’s always lovely to read a stream of consistently good books! Good to hear that all yours rated 4 stars and above. And congrats on all the reading progress!

  5. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    Congrats on a good month, Jodie💜

  6. Her Digital Coffee

    What a great month! It’s always exciting to have so many 4+ star reads. I’m looking forward to your reviews this month. Happy June!

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