2024 Monday Matters

Monday Matters #104: What I’m Reading, Screen Adaptations and More!

Monday Matters
  1. Jody

    I hope you enjoy your new books coming up, Jodie 😊🌻☔

  2. JamieAdStories

    Ooh you have given me food for thought with Tv shows.

  3. Kathy Martin

    They are making a movie based on Harold and the Purple Crayon? That might make me want to visit a theater to see it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope that you enjoy the movie Kathy! I loved that book!

  4. Kathryn

    Mmm I see Second Chance Season is coming out, I need to read the second one and catch up for this one. Happy reading.

  5. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders

    I love that you want to make Mondays happy days instead of ones to dread. Lots of fun adaptations coming up it seems 🙂

    1. thathappyreader

      I’m glad you like these posts Veros!

  6. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I started watching A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder. I didn’t realize it was set in England? Never read the book. Wanted to! And I’m going to go Wednesday night to a “girls night out” early showing of It Ends With Us. Loved that book, it made me cry so much! Have a good week!

    1. thathappyreader

      I loved reading It Ends With Us! I’m curious as to whether the film does it justice.

  7. Her Digital Coffee

    I had no idea that there was a series available for “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.” I’m excited to add it to my watch list. I’m looking forward to your review for T.J. Newman’s newest novel. Happy reading! 🙂

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