2024 Monday Matters

Monday Matters #87: What I’m Reading, What’s Publishing, Screen Adaptations and More!

Monday Matters
  1. Jody

    Have a wonderful week, Jodie. I’ll chat with you when I get back! 🤗

  2. Kathy M Martin

    Nice looking books. I have seen a couple of people eager for Abby Jimenez’s new book. I haven’t read anything by her. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. Barb @ Booker T's Farm

    I really want to read the Guiding Emily book and then watch the Hallmark adaptation. Sounds really good. I also want to read more Abby Jiminez books. I read one and then a short story from Amazon and enjoyed them both.

  4. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    I didn’t know Jo Piazza has a new book coming out! Thanks, Jodie💜

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Jonetta!

  5. Kathryn Trask

    I really enjoy a Sarah Morgan book. I listened to Sea glass Summer, very sweet but I thought mostly for those who are following the series. So looking forward to the Abby Jimenez.

    1. thathappyreader

      I agree with all of this Kathryn!

  6. Aspen Hite

    So many good things coming! I added three books, and can’t wait to see the latest rendition of “The Color Purple!”
    Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well!

  7. Her Digital Coffee

    What an exciting week for new releases! I like the sound of ‘The Sicilian Inheritance’ and ‘She’s Not Sorry.’ Have a great week Jodie!

  8. Rolé @ Hooked By That Book

    Just for the Summer is on my list too. Hope you have a great week!

  9. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    So many good books! And I still need to watch The Color Purple. Sorry I’m late, hope you had a good week!

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