2025 Book Recommendations Women's fiction

Must-Read Women’s Fiction Publishing in Spring 2025! #bookrecommendations

Must-Read Women’s Fiction publishing in Spring 2025!


  1. ER LeVar

    The Page Turner has such a cute cover! A lot of these will be perfect for the beach-reads display I’m throwing together at the store.

    1. thathappyreader

      That sounds like a fun display ER!

  2. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    I didn’t know about Slow Burn Summer so thanks for that. Adding it. Great post, Jodie💜

  3. Carla@CarlaLovesToRead

    There are a lot of good books and authors on this list. The only ones I have plans for is Viola Shipman and Katherine Center, but others will go on that wishlist shelf.

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