20 Books Of Summer 2024 2024 Audiobook Challenge Book Review Magical Realism Romance Women's fiction

Romance and Magic in ‘A Novel Love Story’ by Ashley Poston – A Review #AshleyPoston #HarperCollinsUKAudio

A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston book review


  1. Jody

    Great review, Jodie. Have a fantastic day 😊

  2. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    Just got this yesterday and love getting lost in a story. Excellent review, Jodie💜

  3. aimee @ aimee can read

    Interesting take on this one, Jodie! When a book is marketed as a romance, I do look at the romance aspect more heavily than I would the character development for the MCs as individuals. Still really curious about this author, though I don’t necessarily gravitate towards romances with magical realism.

  4. Carla @CarlaLovesToRead

    I love the comment about it being “not just an ode to romance novels but to the very essence of romance itself.” I like character development in my stories, but the romance not being totally believable is too bad. I am in the queue for this one at my library. Wonderful review, Jodie.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Carla. I hope that you enjoy it!

  5. Her Digital Coffee

    Wonderful review, Jodie. I really love the photo you used! I recently started listening to audiobooks on Spotify and find it very helpful when there’s different narrators, especially if there’s a lot of characters. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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