2023 Feature The Weekend Post

The Sunday Post #58

The Sunday Post
  1. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    I’m so happy Otto is coming to Canada! You’re going to love it.

    I’m waiting impatiently for the Higgans book to show up at my library this week. If not, I’m spending a credit.

    1. thathappyreader

      I enjoyed Otto and thought it was fairly true to the book. I hope your library gets the book!

  2. mae

    Have another great week, and win lots of jackpots!
    best, mae

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks! I had a great time.

  3. Carla

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time, Jodie. I loved A Man Called Otto, and was pleased that even though it was Americanized, the gist of the story was the same. Tom Hanks was outstanding! I also want to read that Higgans book and am on a long list at the library. I can wait, as I have so many others to read. Have a great week!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Carla! I agree with your thoughts on Otto. The Higgins book is a longer one, but I’m enjoying it!

  4. Molly | Transatlantic Notes

    That is a hefty tax to pay on winnings, phew; I hope the process to get it back is not too awful and time consuming! I am so glad you are going to watch A Man Called Otto, my husband and I saw it and absolutely loved it; we both we very emotional about the story which made me want to read the book it was based on — it’s great you’ve already read it!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Molly. I hope that you enjoy the book as well!

  5. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    Wow! It must be exciting to win big in Vegas. I like the idea of taxing heavily gambling wins. I wonder if that is done in other places. I wonder where the money goes.

    I thought A Man Called Otto was very well done. Tom Hanks is always great.

    I hope to get around to The Little Italian Hotel this week.

    1. thathappyreader

      We are not taxed on wins in Canada Deb but a percentage of the take does go to health care and other programs. I’m glad that you enjoyed Otto – Tom Hanks is my favourite male actor.

  6. Greg

    Aw that sounds like a fun trip! And congrats! 🙂

  7. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I haven’t been to Vegas in years, and even then only once! I need to try to go to one of the book conventions there some day. Yeah, taxes suck. But I guess since in my state gambling taxes kind of help education, which is my career, I have to be somewhat okay with them, lol. Hope you have a good week!

    1. thathappyreader

      It’s interesting how different jurisdictions manage gambling insofar as taxes. In Canada, a % of each dollar spent on lottery or gaming goes towards health care or other programs but lottery wins are tax-free.

  8. Cindy Davis

    Sounds like a fun trip. Have a great week and good luck getting in more reading time 😉

  9. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m glad you are having a fun trip. We haven’t been to Vegas in nearly 20 years. Do they still allow smoking in the casinos? I loved the shows and restaurants but couldn’t breathe with the smoking and my allergies.

    1. thathappyreader

      There are now casinos that don’t allow smoking in Las Vegas but most still do allow it unfortunately. Thanks for reading.

  10. Sarah Collins

    I thought a man called Otto was done really well too! Hope you have a good week

  11. I'm All Booked Up

    It’s great that you enjoyed Vegas. We’ve never been before.

  12. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    I’m glad you had fun in Vegas! I’ve never gambled, so I didn’t know there was a tax. I wonder what the money is used for. Hopefully something awesome because that’s a hefty tax. 🙂

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