
2020 Books – My Year in Review

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  1. Hayley

    What an amazing reading year you had Jodie! I hope 2021 is equally good for you – if not even better! 🙂

  2. Kate - Love My Anxious Brain

    This is really interesting to see which books you enjoyed most and which ones drew in the most blog readers! Thanks for all the great recommendations and happy new year! x

  3. Miamii

    I love the sound of Dear Emmie Blue! Another fantastic post, well done!

  4. Charley

    Wow, well done for reading so many books in 2020!! I might have to check out some of these titles! Happy new year!

  5. Ruth

    Oh my God! You are such a great reader! The fact that you read 118 books this year is mind blowing. Keep reading x!

  6. Simona ~ The Grumpy Olive

    I love Goodreads, the stats they give out are fun to check as well! Happy New Year to you – can't wait to see what you get to read in the next 12 months!

  7. Demi Le Huray

    That is so many books! I could never read that many!

  8. Nancy

    Happy New Year!! Wow!! 118 books! That is amazing! Love the different stats you have shared on your 2020 reads. Congrats on finishing your first year of blogging!!! Hope 2021 will be a great year for you!!

    Nancy ✨ mdrnminimalists.com

  9. thathappyreader

    Thanks Nancy! I appreciate the support!

  10. The Yorkshire Dreamer

    Congratulations on your first full year of blogging, I can't wait to see what 2021 brings for your blog. ? Impressive statistics, especially reading 118 books! Thank you for sharing.

  11. thathappyreader

    Thank you! I appreciate your support!

  12. Raji

    Congratulations on one year of blogging! Those are some impressive stats, hope 2021 will be even better for you! Happy New Year!

  13. Unknown

    Congrats on your year of blogging – that's a honest to goodness great success story!

  14. Kelly

    I cannot believe you read 118 books, that’s insane and such an achievement! It was great to read all of those stats too. I’m hoping to read more this year, but I doubt I will even come close to your record! x

  15. Unknown

    Yay! You read so much this year. Happy New Year Jodie!

  16. thathappyreader

    Thank you! Happy New Year!

  17. Jen

    Wow, you read a lot! You made me want to be active on Goodreads again! Happy New Year!

  18. Kelly~Diane

    It sounds like you've had a great reading year. I love posts like this where its broken down in stats. Well done on reading so many books too.

  19. Della Driscoll

    Wow! You've read a lot of books, that's amazing! Happy new year to you, I hope 2021 is a fab one xx


  20. Unknown

    Oh wow, you read a lot of books. How do you even do it? I hope 2021 is a better year for you. Happy New Year ?

    Anita x niannilifestyleblog

  21. thathappyreader

    Thanks Anita! I love audiobooks in addition to printed/ebooks so that allows me to read more!

  22. Charity

    Looks like you have read some good books for 2020! Wishing you all the best for 2021 too!

  23. Faye

    118 books, W O W !!! I've really enjoyed reading your reviews in 2020 and can't wait to discover plenty of new books through your blog this year 🙂 x


  24. Retirestyle Travel

    That is a lot of reading. Glad to see your blog is doing well. Happy new year

  25. Clarissa Cabbage

    Happy new year Jodie! I didn't realize this was your first year blogging it's mine too. I'm a sucker for stats so I love that you included these! Sounds like it's been a great reading year!

  26. Sara

    Well, another honest book review. I liked the way you put your likings and feelings, and yet able to describe it so vividly. Happy 2021 to you and your family.

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