Family life General fiction Mystery Thriller

Book Review – Sisters by Michelle Frances

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  1. Molly @ Transatlantic Notes

    This book does sound like I'd enjoy reading it — anything that keeps me engaged would be great at this time! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Della Driscoll

    This sounds like my kind of book – I love how you were kept engaged the whole way through xx

  3. Raji

    There are so many good mysteries and thrillers recently! It's nice that along with being an engaging read, this book seems to reflect upon some important life lessons too, which I've found to be pretty rare in this genre. Great review!

  4. thathappyreader

    I agree it's rare to have life lessons in the thriller genre! Thanks for your comment.

  5. Jaya Avendel

    I am a big believer in the idea that the way we are brought up impacts the future relationships we make and how we will raise our families, so this book sounds like a learning opportunity as well as a good read!
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Melissa Kacar

    The plot of this book sounds so interesting and intriguing! Thanks for sharing your review, I'll have to check it out!

  7. Graham Crosby

    I like the sound of that and I'd agree that our childhood experiences and the way we're brought up shape the adults that we become.

  8. Entertainingly Nerdy

    I'll definitely have to check this out. I always like books that deal with a sister bond even if it may not be the best bond.

  9. Nancy

    Although we don't get along with our siblings all the time, they're meant to be there for us and share some exciting memories. Oooh, Abby sounds like me LOL! The two sisters having to rely on each other to get out of the island sounds exciting. Glad you enjoyed the read overall!

    Nancy ✨

  10. jennyinneverland

    This sounds like a great read! I don't have any siblings, which I think is the reason I'm always drawn to novels about the sibling relationship!

  11. Sophie

    This sounds like such a great read, I love the sound of the characters. I'm an only child and always find books about family dynamics like that so interesting x


  12. thathappyreader

    Thanks for your comment Sophie!

  13. Paper Mint Books

    Sounds like a great book. I will add to my list and will definitely check it out (: thanks for posting it! – papermintbooks.con

  14. Kelly~Diane

    This sounds like a good book to read. You've written such a great review that has me interested without giving too much away.

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