Fiction Thriller

Book Review – The Girl in the Mirror by Rose Carlyle

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  1. Sadie

    Looks interesting. I hadn't heard of it. Thanks

  2. Unknown

    Ooh, I loved reading your review. This book sounds so interesting! I'll have to give the audiobook a try! 🙂

  3. Kayleigh Zara

    This sounds like a really interesting read and I love the sound of the plot. It's so mysterious x

  4. thathappyreader

    It really is! Thanks Kayleigh!

  5. Ming Qian

    I do not particularly like thriller novels, but the premise of this one intrigues me. I just might pick it up myself one day after my exams. Thanks for sharing!

  6. thathappyreader

    Thanks! It’s not scary, just suspenseful.

  7. Jenna Rideout | Westveil Publishing

    Sounds like a can't put it down sort of read!

  8. thathappyreader

    I hadn't either! Thanks for your comment!

  9. Britt K

    I adore a good Thriller and this sounds like a storyline that I could really get into. I'm going to have to get my hands on it so that I can add it to my reading list over the holidays. While most people are super busy over the holiday season, I always make a point of scheduling in more reading time so that I can rest and unwind a bit lol

  10. thathappyreader

    That sounds like a perfect plan! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Thebusyshelf

    Great review! Indeed, the topic of this book seems unique or at least not something very common. I haven't heard about mirror twins until now, interesting. Thank you for reviewing it and sharing it with us!

  12. lifestyleseason

    Great review! I don't usually read thrillers but this book sounds exciting! The storyline is so unique and cool! Thank you for sharing this.

  13. Unwanted Life

    What an awful thing to do to your children

  14. thathappyreader

    I agree! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Coleoftheball

    This sounds absolutely incredible I need to read it! I definitely need to post about what I’m reading more over on my blog! Xx

  16. thathappyreader

    I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!

  17. Charity

    This sounds like such a great book! Thanks for sharing your review of it! I will have to check it out!

  18. Alex

    This sounds so interesting and so up my street! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Sophie

    I love it when a book can stick with you like this one has for you. The plot and characters both sound great. I need to check this one out x


  20. Clarissa Cabbage

    Wow this sounds like a very interesting plot! Are mirror twins a real thing? I can't imagine why the father would make such a weird stipulation on the inheritance! It is true that money makes some people do very crazy things!

  21. thathappyreader

    Thanks Clarissa! Yes mirror twins is an actual thing!

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