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Guiding Emily by Barbara Hinske – A Book Review

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  1. Lauren

    This is a great review that you have written. I haven’t heard of this book or the author. Thank you for sharing this suggestion. I really need to read more this year and get away from the screens more in the evening.


  2. Unwanted Life

    Is the chronic health condition where even mild head trauma can cause retinal detachment based on a real condition? It seems to strange to be real. It's an interesting concept to give the point of view of both the seeing eye dog and the person who loses their sight, I don't think I've come across anything like that before

  3. thathappyreader

    It is my understanding that this was a real condition. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Luke Slater

    What a great post this was, I really enjoyed reading this and it sounds like a book I would truly want to keep my eyes out for.

  5. Charley

    This was a great review – it sounds like a really intriguing book! I'll definitely have to keep an eye out for it!

  6. Kayleigh Zara

    I've not heard of this book before or the author but this really sounds like something I would enjoy!

    I genuinely really enjoy seeing your book reviews on my feed x

  7. thathappyreader

    Thank you! I appreciate your kind words!

  8. My Anxious Life

    This sounds so lovely. I also love a story of overcoming adversity and the combination of humour and tragedy is so true to life. I'll look this up x

  9. Isa A

    Liked the way you wrote the review. Quite meticulous! This plot reflects many lives in reality also and something which many of us can even relate to. And I think that is what makes this book a meaningful read. Thanks for sharing x

    Isa A. Blogger

  10. thathappyreader

    Thank you for your comment!

  11. Jaya Avendel

    I am cautious of books dealing with grief and tragedy but this book sounds like humor mixes into the struggle and presents a positive change of life tale. Love the name; it reflects so well on the story!
    Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  12. Charity

    Oh that sounds like a lovely book. Thanks so much for sharing. Will check this one out.

  13. Fransic Verso

    Just reading the review, I feel sorry for Emily but also inspiring that she is fighting back and learning to how to deal with it. Interesting book!

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