
November Wrap Up

  1. Reading with Jade

    Audiobooks are great for multitasking – reading & walking is always nice.

    Happy reading in December!

  2. Demi Le Huray

    Sounds like a great November, thanks for sharing!

  3. notsomoderngirl

    Wow you've read a lot of books this month, I really need to up my reading game 🙂

  4. Flora

    A good bookish month – nice to see a couple of Christmassy titles. I've got a couple on my December TBR. 😉 My audiobook numbers have been steadily increasing this year. My monthly wrap up will go up later tonight.

    Flora ¦ http://www.florasmusings.com

  5. thathappyreader

    Thanks Flora! I will look for your wrap up!

  6. Lisa's Notebook

    I wish I could say I'd read a lot of books this month but the only time I have for reading is in bed before I go to sleep. However, I am going to try for some Christmassy reads in December!

  7. thathappyreader

    Thanks Lisa! I hope you find a great Christmassy read!

  8. Faye

    Sounds like a successful reading month! I'd love to get into audiobooks, they sound ideal for when you head out for a walk 🙂


  9. thathappyreader

    Thanks Faye! Audiobooks are perfect for walking.

  10. Mini | Book & Corner

    11 books is such a great number.

  11. Sophie

    You read a great mix of genres this month! I only managed one this month, my blog stole a chunk of my regular reading time x


  12. thathappyreader

    Thanks Sophie. Yes our blogs can really zap our time. ?

  13. Mrs. P&P

    Sounds like you had a pretty productive reading month! Interested to see what December brings.

  14. Lindsey

    Oh wow, 11 is a great number! My November was four books, which felt like an achievement after a reading slump, but hoping to pick that back up in December. You're far more organised than I am – I haven't even started my shopping yet, really must!

  15. Della Driscoll

    These books are so festive! You've read so many books xx


  16. thathappyreader

    Thanks for stopping by Della!

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