We Came Here to Shine is an interesting story of historical fiction. Set primarily at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, it is the story of two women – Vivi, a young aspiring actress, and Max the ambitious journalism student. The story exemplifies the...
The Secrets of Love Story Bridge by Phaedra Patrick
posted by: thathappyreader
July 13, 2020
In a story of life after loss, Mitchell Fisher has had a difficult time living in the present while remembering the life he had with his partner Anita. Both he and his daughter Poppy have had tremendous change in their lives and it’s been difficult...
My most anticipated books publishing during the second half of 2020.
posted by: thathappyreader
July 12, 2020
We’re half-way through 2020 and it’s been a crazy year so far. My family’s life has changed dramatically as I several high risk people that I am around and need to protect. Thank goodness for books and audiobooks to help keep me sane. There are...
Nancy Thayer is another author who writes about life in Nantucket and has become a favourite of mine. In her latest book, Girls of Summer, she tells the story of three women. Lisa is a divorced woman and single mother who has been without a...
This has been one of the most difficult books that I have chosen to read and review. It is the story of the author’s own sexual assault, at the age of 15, while away at a St. Paul’s, a prestigious boarding school. I listened to...