Historical fiction

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah: Book Review

  1. Faye

    This sounds like a great read! I love the fact that the book is told from two different characters 🙂 x


  2. Sue

    I love historical fiction and stories told in multiple pov so this one–along with your stamp of approval– sounds like a good fit for me. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

  3. Booksforall245

    This does sound like a really great story! Thank you for sharing!

  4. thathappyreader

    Thank you for your comment!

  5. lifestyleseason

    Great review! Thank you for sharing this! I'm glad you really enjoyed this book! It sounds so interesting and I also love the idea that it has strong female protagonists.

  6. Amanda

    I’ve heard so many great things about this book so far! Love this Author as well, I will have to read. Fab review!

  7. Lindsey

    I'm always up for a book with strong female protagonists! Great review, this sounds like a really engaging story.

  8. Nicci

    I am very intrigued about this story line! I love anything that has a strong female lead but is definitely interesting seeing it in a historical context, gonna add it to my tbr

  9. thathappyreader

    Thanks Nicci! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did!

  10. Johana

    This sounds like a good book! I’m going to read it!

  11. thathappyreader

    That’s great Johana! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.

  12. Mind Beauty Simplicity

    wonderful review!! I'm adding this to my reading list. 🙂

  13. thathappyreader

    Wonderful! I hope that you enjoy it!

  14. Kelly~Diane

    This sounds like such a great book. I love stories that are told from a dual narrative because you can often get a glimpse into both points of view. You've written a great review without giving any spoilers.

  15. Jaya Avendel

    I just finished reading "The Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd, and this book reminds me deeply of a narrative told by two women growing stronger in the face of trying and grueling times. I love this kind of sisterhood books so thank you for sharing a wonderful title and your thoughts!

  16. thathappyreader

    I loved that book as well! Thanks Jaya!

  17. Charity

    I have been dying to read this book! I love Kristin Hannah!

  18. thathappyreader

    Thanks Charity! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  19. Beat Those Thoughts | Charlotte

    I’ve never heard of this book but it sounds amazing! And any book with strong female protagonists is a book that’s going on my reading list!
    Thank you so much for sharing an honest review. I will definitely be making a note of this one!x

  20. jennyinneverland

    I do love a story with a strong female protagonist! Thanks for sharing. This sounds great!

  21. Lynn Mejia

    Wow! This sounds great! I'm glad you connected this with book immediately. Thanks for sharing! x


  22. Alice Myles

    I've seen such good things about this one! I've been meaning to pick up her book 'The Nightingale' for the longest time but this one sounds fab too! Good to hear Julia Whelan narrates it, she's one of my absolute fave narrators!

  23. thathappyreader

    Thanks Alice! I love Julia Whelan’s narration as well.

  24. TheQuietGirl (Anissa)

    This seems like an interesting book, gonna add this to my reading list. Great review! ?

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