2022 General fiction Holiday reads Romance

The Road to Christmas by Sheila Roberts: Book Review

The Road to Christmas by Sheila Roberts book cover
  1. Bell KS

    Sounds really interesting, love your thoughts on it!

  2. JamieAdStories

    Sounds like a great book for the season.

    1. thathappyreader

      It is a great choice Jamie! Thanks for reading.

  3. Wendy Williams

    I love Sheila Roberts and this sounds like a wonderful holiday book. I love a good road trip too!

  4. Rolé @ Hooked By That Book

    Nice review. I like books that cover real family issues, but still make you hopeful for a good outcome.

    1. thathappyreader

      I enjoy them too Rolé! Thanks for reading.

  5. Carla

    I’m so glad to see you enjoyed this one as much as I did, Jodie. I loved the idea of three different road trips and there was so much growth in these characters.

    1. thathappyreader

      I absolutely agree with you Carla! Thanks for reading.

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