2024 The Weekend Post

The Sunday Post #108: Weekly Highlights & More! #TheSundayPost

The Sunday Post
  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I can think of several people who would love to watch Alone. Thanks for the heads up on it.

    I keep waiting and waiting for the new Katherine Center book. Will it ever arrive?!

    1. thathappyreader

      I know that feeling Deb! It will be worth the wait!

  2. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I’m behind on book reviews again and need to read your review of Pardon My Frenchie! Yeah, with losing my stepdad it has been painful all the father’s day emails and commercials I keep seeing. Even still having my birth dad who I am going to spend time with today. And then I feel guilty if I say anything about having trouble with father’s day and he would hear it. So it’s been a weird time. Hope you have a nice dinner today!

    1. thathappyreader

      I’m thinking of you Lisa. Take care.

  3. aimee can read

    Happy Father’s Day! My grandmother’s also getting an eye surgery tomorrow, so I’m hoping all goes well. I’m glad your parents’ recent surgeries went well. 🙂

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Aimee! Good luck with your grandmother’s surgery!

  4. Cindy's Book Corner

    I have been playing catch up this weekend. I hope you have a lovely Father’s day celebration and a great week!

  5. Carla @ CarlaLovesToRead

    Happy Sunday, Jodie. It sounds like things are look8ng up for you and your family. Enjoy your upcoming week.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Carla. We’re always taking things one day at a time.

  6. Anne- Books of My Heart

    I’m glad your parents are doing better and that you have them and they have you. You’ve had pleasant weather. It’s getting hot here but the humidity is moderate so far.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  7. mae

    I hope your Father’s Day plans went well and you enjoyed. your day.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  8. sjhigbee

    I hope your Father’s Day went well. And it sounds as if both your parents are recovering well – fingers crossed that continues. It sounds like you had a good week, health issues notwithstanding and I hope the coming week is also a good one:).

  9. Her Digital Coffee

    Alone sounds like something I’d enjoy watching! Thank you for the recommendation. I hope you all have a great Father’s Day dinner. Have a wonderful week Jodie!

  10. Literary Feline

    I hope the Father’s Day dinner went well! I am so glad your mom’s appointment went well and I hope your dad is as well as can be after his recent doctor’s visit. Alone does look like fun! I sure wouldn’t want to be on the show myself though. LOL I hope you have a great week!

    1. thathappyreader

      I agree – I would not want to participate in Alone!

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