2024 The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post #124: Weekly Highlights & More!

The Sunday Post


  1. Tina

    I’m so sorry you got Covid. My husband and I don’t go out much and basically grocery shop, go to the library…we ended up with it in August. We have had the previous years vaccinations but didn’t get t ths year – wouldn’t you know it. It was awful and I hope you gtet over it soon.

    Very sorry to hear about Marley. Nothing brings me to tears like a dog or cat.

    Still have not gotten the Stanley Tucci book, I loved Taste so I can’t wait to tuck into this one.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Tina. Yes this is very nasty.

  2. mae

    That’s very sad about the loss of your parents’ dog. They really are our best friends, aren’t they?
    I hope you recover quickly from covid: we have each had it once after air trips, though we’ve also made many other trips without consequences.
    best, mae

  3. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    Losing a pet is devastating. My heart aches for you and your family💔 Tough news about Covid. Hubby and I haven’t had it either. But glad you enjoyed Vegas. We’ve had a lot of fun there.

    Hope you recover soon!

  4. Jody

    I am sorry to hear about Marley. We lost our cat this week too. It’s an awful thing to go through, I feel so bad for your parents. I am sorry you two are sick, I pray you both get better soon. I love all of the pictures, they are gorgeous.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Jody. I’m sorry you lost your cat this week too. Take care.

  5. Carla@CarlaLovesToRead

    Oh no, I’m sorry to hear you picked up Covid. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. I am hoping and praying that my pharmacy will get the new vaccine before I head to Cancun at the end of October. I loved the Bellagio when I went and those decorations look wonderful. Take care of yourself.

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