Welcome to The Sunday Post #36! The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme. I will also be joining Deb at Readerbuzz for the Sunday Salon.
My Week:
It’s been a hectic week! There has been lots of holiday preparation and appointments. My brother was in hospital for a few days which has been stressful for all of us. I’m sure everyone is busy this time of the year and can relate. I haven’t been reading as much as I usually do but I know this will return once Christmas is over.
What I Read This Week:
While I haven’t had a lot of time to read this week, I did manage to finish an audiobook:

What I Hope to Get to Soon:

What I’m Watching:
I watched Something From Tiffany’s on Prime last night and really enjoyed it. It’s based on the book by Melissa Hill which is also known by the title A Gift From Tiffany’s. I recommend it for those of you who enjoy romantic comedies. Here’s the trailer:
On The Blog This Week:

Book Review: Reasonable Adults by Robin Lefler

Book Review: Christmas in Peachtree Bluff by Kristy Woodson Harvey

Book Review: The Matzah Ball by Jean Meltzer

Who Wears it Better in December 2022

Book Review: All is Bright by RaeAnne Thayne
This post: The Sunday Post #36
Look For The Following Posts Coming Soon:
Monday Matters #26
Book Review of Falling Stars by Fern Michaels
Book Review of The Key to My Heart by Lia Louis
10 Books Publishing in January 2023 I’m Excited to Read
My 10 Favourite Books of 2022
Book Review of It Starts With Us by Colleen Hoover
December 2022 Wrap Up
2022 Wrap Up
That’s a wrap for The Sunday Post #36. There will be no The Sunday Post on Christmas Day but look for the next edition on New Year’s Day!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
All these fabulous holiday stories. All is Bright looks lovely. I started one last night, Christmas in Paris.
Hope your brother is doing better soon. My dad’s wife went home from the hospital last night.
Thank you Deb! I’m glad to hear your Dad’s wife is home. Have a wonderful holiday season!
Molly | Transatlantic Notes
I hope your brother is doing okay now; sending him good thoughts!
I like the sound of the movie ‘Something From Tiffany’s’ as we recently got a free trial of Prime so watching this is a good way to make use of it!
Thank you Molly. I hope that you enjoy Something From Tiffany’s. Happy Holidays!
Fransic verso
I hope your brother is ok, and I agree it’s not easy during these weeks to read. Thank for sharing an update.
Thank you Fransic. Happy Holidays!
Looks like you read some good ones this week! Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you have a great week coming up too!
Thanks Charity! Happy Holidays!
Cindy Davis
Sorry it was a rough week, hoping this one will be better. Enjoy your Christmas reads 🙂
Thank you Cindy! Happy Holidays!
Anne - Books of My Heart
A lot of people with a hectic week trying to wrap up before the holidays. I hoped this week would be quiet but there’s still a couple medical appts for my daughter so the next week between holidays will be more relaxed. Since we aren’t doing anything exciting, I’m looking forward to more reading. Wishing you peace and joy!
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Thank you Anne! Happy Holidays to you as well!
Emma T
Ooh I love a romatnric comedy, so I’ll have to look that one up on Prime.
I hope that you enjoy it Emma!
My reading has bee non existent! Such a hectic time of year. I hope your brother is better soon. And that you have a great Christmas!
Thank you Greg! Happy Holidays!
Wendy Williams
I hope your brother gets better soon. I enjoyed both The Forever Family and The Key to My Heart, I hope you do too. I’m hoping to get to Something From Tiffany’s this week, I’m glad you liked it as now I know I will too!
Thank you Wendy! Happy Holidays!
All those books look like nice and cozy reads.
Have a great week.
You too! Thanks for reading.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I hope your brother is recovering and you’ll all be together for Christmas.
Wishing you a great reading week and happy holidays!
Thank you Shelleyrae! Happy Holidays to you as well!
I'm All Booked Up
We can’t wait to watch Something from Tiffany’s! We’re happy that you enjoyed it.
I hope that you enjoy it too! Happy Holidays!
I hope you brother is doing better, Jodie. That is stressful anytime, but near the holidays, it is worse.🙏🙏 I enjoyed All is Bright and hope you did as well, Jodie. Thanks for the heads up on the movie, I will watch it tomorrow. All of you upcoming books are also on my TBR. I hope we both enjoy them.
Thank you so much Carla. My brother is doing a little better each day. Happy Holidays.
Rolé @ Hooked By That Book
Hope your brother is better soon. And have a wonderful Christmas. I have The Sister Effect and Falling Stars on my list.
Thank you Rolé! I hope that you enjoy both of these books as much as I did! Happy Holidays!