2023 The Weekend Post

The Sunday Post #84: Weekly Highlights & More!

The Sunday Post
  1. mae

    Here’s hoping that your brother’s recovery is fast and complete!
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. Jody

    I can’t wait for The Reindeer Games. I hope your brother continues to get better every day, Jodie. Have a fantastic week ☕📚❄️☃️🩵

  3. JamieAdStories

    I hope your brother is home soon. I would adore a sprinkle of snow.

  4. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    Glad that your brother is improving, Jodie💜 Still including you and your family in my prayers.

  5. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I hope that your brother is able to come home very soon. I’m sure that your visits to your brother are a huge help to him. And it’s great that the walks to the hospital are good for your stress levels.

    I also hope that you are able to get in at least a little reading time.

  6. JoAnn @ Gulfside Musing

    So glad the last few days have been better for your brother… continued prayers for the week ahead.

  7. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    Keeping your brother in my thoughts! I hope he gets to come home soon too! I understand how it is hard to read when you’re stressed, I was that way back in April when both my mom and stepdad were in and out of the hospital. I hope this is a good week for you!

  8. Vicki

    So sorry to hear about your brother. I’ll keep him and the family in my prayers.

    That’s a lot of steps!

    I’m excited for Big Brother Reindeer Games to start too.

  9. Cindy's Book Corner

    Glad your brother is improving! I hope he is able to go home soon. I also hope you are able to get back into your routines. It is so hard being out of them. Have a great rest of your weekend.

  10. Melike

    I am glad your brother is doing better and hope that he is home by next weekend.

  11. Sarah Collins

    Sending best wishes to you and your brother, hope he’s home soon x

  12. Her Digital Coffee

    I am very happy to hear that your brother is doing better! I’m very excited for Big Brother’s Reindeer Games, I haven’t had anything to look forward to watching since BB25 ended haha. I’m glad to hear that exercise has been helpful in reducing stress. Sending you and your family well wishes, I pray your brother is able to come home soon.

  13. Rolé @ Hooked By That Book

    Hope your brother recovers soon and can go home. All the best! Sending virtual hugs. And you’re doing great with all that walking. That’s something I want to get started with.

  14. Anne – Books of My Heart

    I hope your brother has great improvement. Do you like audiobooks and can you listen to them while you walk or ride?

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. thathappyreader

      I have been as much as I can Anne. It’s hard to focus at times so it’s been a challenge.

  15. Carla

    Jodie, I am so sorry to hear that brother took a turn for the worse, but it’s good that he is now improving. I will keep him in my prayers for a return home sooner rather than later. You are showing him how much he means to you and that is sure to help him. Take care of yourself, doing whatever you need to stay healthy and reduce your stress. I still want to sponsor you in your bikeathon, but need to know how to do that. Hugs, Carla

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Carla. The bikeathon is finished but feel free to make a donation to your charity of choice.

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