2024 The Weekend Post

The Sunday Post #94: Weekly Highlights & More! #TheSundayPost

The Sunday Post
  1. Molly | Transatlantic Notes

    It seems like a good week of reading and viewing, and reassuring care for your Dad (sending him, and you lots of good thoughts and love).

  2. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    That is truly a blessing that you can help your family with your nursing background, Jodie💜 Have a great week!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Jonetta! You too.

  3. Jody

    Have a fantastic day, Jodie 🤗

  4. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    I can relate to the exercise-injury-lost motivation cycle. It happens to me constantly! I’m really good about exercise until I hurt myself. Then I don’t want to do it anymore and completely lose motivation. Then I force myself to start again. Then I hurt myself again. It sucks.

    1. thathappyreader

      Yes! This is me exactly AJ!

  5. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I think it’s great you can help your dad with your background. I wish I had more of that to help my stepdad, or that my mom did at least. But my stepdad will be starting a new type of chemo in a couple weeks that is more strict about him having to stay away from other people, etc. But it is supposed to be better hopefully too! We’ve had such lovely spring weather here, but it is also so dry, we need rain or some moisture. I hope you have a good week!

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope your Stepdad’s new treatment works Lisa!

  6. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    It is wonderful that you can use what you learned for your profession with your family and provide them with greatly needed help. I wish I had some nurse training. It would come in handy at this stage of my life.

    Our weather has been hot then cold then hot again. Not sure what is coming next!

  7. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I have the same kind of thing. I used to do pushups and weights every day and I didn’t have to worry about my steps. Then I had an injury and we stay home a lot more now. I’m working my way back up in the pushups. I’m at 30 a day now. I have yet to add back the weights. It’s supposed to be warmer and a lot wetter here this week. We will see.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. thathappyreader

      30 pushups is excellent Anne! Have a great week!

  8. Carla @ CarlaLovesToRead

    How wonderful you have the skills and training to help your family, Jodie. I have gotten out in the pool at least 6 days per week while in Florida. I water jog for 45 minutes to an hour. I keep saying I am going to go down and ride the bike after dinner, but haven’t done it yet. I have four more weeks, so maybe I will still do it. I absolutely loved that Terry Fator video, thanks for sharing it.

    1. thathappyreader

      That is awesome Carla! Good for you! I’m glad you enjoyed the video too. ☺️

  9. Jenni Elyse

    I’m so glad you’ve been able to help your family as well. I’m sure they’re grateful for all you do for them. I hope the chemo does its job and your dad will make a full recovery.


    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Jenni. Unfortunately this is the type of chemo that cannot cure but can buy some time. I appreciate your kind thoughts.

  10. JoAnn @ Gulfside Musing

    I think it’s great that you use your nursing background to your family’s benefit. They’re lucky to have you nearby.

  11. hena

    It great that you can be there for your dad.
    Good on you for getting in your steps and good luck with starting weights again.

  12. sjhigbee

    I am so glad you are able to help your dad. And I’m sorry you have had an injury – it’s frustrating. Hopefully now the weather is starting to improve, you will be able to heal. Have a good week:).

  13. Her Digital Coffee

    Sounds like a week of very unpredictable weather! I was thinking of getting back into lifting weights too, but I also have the same challenge. I hope you have a great week Jodie!

  14. Literary Feline

    I am glad you are able to be there for your dad and help him. You are doing awesome with getting your steps in! I can relate all too well to the pattern of falling out of the habit of exercising after an injury. I’m still in that stage where I need to get back into it. I hope you have a great week, Jodie!

  15. Lisa R. Howeler

    I am so glad you are there for your dad. What a blessing.

    I hope you have a good week and can get back on that bike!

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