2024 The Weekend Post

The Weekend Post #133: Weekly Highlights & More!

The Weekend Post
  1. Jody

    Oh, thank you very much for the info about Amazon. I am paying for the Audible as well, so I am going to switch and pay the $8.99 as well, wow this is very good news, Jodie. Oh man, I am sorry about your hubby’s tooth, that stinks. I hope you are having a much better weekend, my friend!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Jody! I’m glad that someone else can take advantage of the Amazon perk!

  2. Cindy's Book Corner

    That is good info on the Amazon music. I did the free trial for Audible then canceled it, there wasn’t as much on there as I had hoped there would be. I am planning to do Reader’s Block Mount TBR Challenge, and Virtual Challenge, I am planning to do Oceana’s Read Your Bookshelf Challenge, and possible Chantel’s Read Your Bookshelf Challenge, possible 25 in 25 since I can overlap it with others…but then I need to stop so I don’t overwhelm myself again, LOL!

    1. thathappyreader

      It’s so easy to get overwhelmed when we over challenge ourselves!

  3. Marg @ The Intrepid Reader

    Firstly happy birthday! And then ouch for your husband’s tooth!

    I am hosting a Historical Fiction Reading Challenge so that is the main one I will be participating in, but I am sure I will add others!

    Have a great week!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Marg! I’ll check out your reading challenge.

  4. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    Happy birthday 🎈
    Since 8m the host I’ll be doing my Nonfiction Reader Challenge, and I have a short list of a couple more but haven’t made any decisions yet.

    Have a wonderful reading week

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you! I’ll check out your challenge!

  5. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m focusing more on personal goals than challenges. I will still do the COYER Challenge and host Library Love and I have my Read-along. But otherwise I will try to read freebies (which always count for COYER) and books I own.

    Anne – Books of My Heart   This is my Sunday Post

    1. thathappyreader

      I’ll have to check out the COYER challenge. I love the library love challenge and will definitely be participating again in 2025.

  6. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    Happy birthday! I hope your husband’s tooth issues are resolved quickly and easily.

    Snow Going Back looks like fun.

  7. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    Snow Going Back looks cute! I paused my Audible membership for the next three months, I have so many on there already that I don’t need to keep paying every month. So we’ll see. Hope you have a good week, that’s crazy about your husband’s tooth! What a way to mess up a nice meal.

  8. Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life

    Happy After All looks cute!

    And happy birthday!!

  9. Her Digital Coffee

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Jodie! I’m sorry to hear about your husband. I hope things go smoothly with the tooth replacement. That’s great about Amazon! I’m currently using Spotify Premium and it gives you 15 hours of listening time for audiobooks each month. If I find myself listening to more audiobooks, I’ll definitely look into switching. I hope you have a great week!

  10. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    I had no idea I could get an audiobook a month for less on Amazon Music Unlimited than on Audible. That’s so interesting. I just read a bit about the pros and cons, and I’ll definitely do a bit more research. Some people complain about the Amazon Music app – have you had any issues with it?

    1. thathappyreader

      I haven’t had any issues so far Nicole.

  11. Carla

    How awful for your husband. I hope that things go well at the dentist.That’s a great idea about Amazon Music and Audible! I like the description of No Snowing Back.

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