2025 The Weekend Post

The Weekend Post #141: Weekly Highlights & More!

The Weekend Post
  1. Tina

    That’s good you can get screened and checked for heart issues. For my family it’s cancer which appears to be genetic and all the women have had it. That said, early diagnosis is so important so medical issues can be tackled early.
    Glad you had a few good books here. I like Kate Hewitt quite a bit.

    1. thathappyreader

      I have cancer in my family of origin and get screened for whatever I can Tina. I agree about early diagnosis for sure.

  2. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I hope all goes well at your doctor’s appointment. It must be scary to know that you have a 50/50 chance of inheriting a genetic condition.

    For the Record looks like fun!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Deb. I am a bit nervous for sure.

  3. Carla@CarlaLovesToRead

    Wow, snow is surprising. Enjoy it. I hope your doctor’s appointment goes well, so great that you keep an eye on it. I didn’t know there was a new Starr’s Falls book was coming out. Thanks for the heads up, Jodie. I just started watching the newest season of the Lincoln Lawyer after watching seasons 2 to 5 of Yellowstone. I hope you have a great week, Jodie.

  4. Snapdragon

    Hope all goes well at your doctor’s appointment. Stay warm during the snow.

  5. Marg @ The Intrepid Reader

    For the Record sounds like a lot of fun!

    Have a great week!

  6. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I was happy for the rain we got here because it helped get rid of almost all the rest of the snow left! That Emma Lord book is on my TBR. Have a great week!

  7. Yvonne @ It's All About Books

    Looking forward to your bookish travel post!

  8. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I hear you since some things like high blood pressure and heart disease run in my family. It’s weird you are getting the snow and colder weather now. We had it all in January and now are back to more normal for February which means we are mostly above freezing even at night. I apologize for all the horrible American things happening.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Anne. It is stressful times for sure and I’m definitely rethinking my vacation plans.

  9. Cindy's Book Corner

    Glad your doctor’s appointment went well and I hope none of you all end up with a heart condition. I love both book covers, purple is my favorite color. Have a good week!

  10. JoAnn @ Gulfside Musing

    Glad you had such a nice visit with your aunt and uncle. Hope all goes well with the screening tests… early detection is so important!

  11. Vicki

    My doctor gave me a Pneumonia shot months ago but I haven’t gotten a COVID shot yet.

    I’d love to have a board game cafe near me. I LOVE board games!

    I need to check out Celebrity Book Club Picks for February since I haven’t looked for it yet. Thanks for adding the link.

    I hope you have a great week.

    1. thathappyreader

      No link for Celebrity Book Club picks as they haven’t been announced yet!

  12. Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    Good luck with your test. I am currently in discussions about my heart issues (putting it diplomatically) with our GP surgery. I have family history and current symptoms that are affecting my everyday life, but they don’t seem interested in helping me.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    1. thathappyreader

      I’m sorry to hear that Emily. I hope they start to listen to you.

  13. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    I’m glad you had a good visit with your Aunt and Uncle. I hope the medical tests go well.

  14. Literary Feline

    Hopefully the snow blower will prove to be a treasure and work well for you! I hope the snow isn’t too bad. I am glad you had a nice visit with your aunt and uncle! For the Record looks cute! I’ll have to check that out. I hope you have a good week, Jodie!

  15. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    I hope you get good news at your appointment.
    I like the sound of Playing For Keeps in Starrs Fall, I’m adding to my WTR

  16. Her Digital Coffee

    I’m happy to hear that your doctor’s appointment went well, Jodie. I hope that you get good news for your screening. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  17. Carla

    We never did get our Covid boosters this past year. We really should. Your new books look good. I hope you’ve had a great week!

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