2025 The Weekend Post

The Weekend Post #142: Weekly Highlights & More!

The Weekend Post
  1. ER LeVar

    Having an international leader harassing an ally is disgraceful! Canada doesn’t deserve any of this nonsense.

    I’ve snagged the Abby Jimenez, too!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you ER. I hope we both enjoy the book!

  2. Harvee

    I’ve never visited the Pacific NW or Vancouver. We plan to visit Vancouver in the spring and wonder what we should see as first time visitors.


    1. thathappyreader

      I can make several recommendations if you like Harvee!

      1. Harvee

        Thanks! Would love your recommendations for mid May thus year. My email is ha******@ya***.com or you can certainly leave your recommendations here in the comments!

        1. thathappyreader

          Vancouver is very food centric and expect lots of fusion options. Stanley Park (including the seawall), Grouse Mountain or Whistler Moutains, Gastown and the waterfront are all great choices. I hope you have a great stay here!

          1. Harvee44

            Thanks. Iā€™ll look into those places for sure

  3. Cindy's Book Corner

    Without too many details, our week was HIGHLY stressful because of some of the things the president is doing as well. Thankfully, it’s the weekend! A chance to breathe and relax. I hope things settle down for us all, but there is no telling what’s next. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. thathappyreader

      Oh no Cindy! I hope you have a great weekend too.

  4. mae

    Around half (or more) of the American population is not in favor of the antics of the current admin. which can only hurt us in both the short and long term, and can do terrible, unconscionable damage to our friends.
    bestā€¦ mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for your understanding Mae.

  5. Jonetta | Blue Mood CafƩ

    There are no words for this disgraceful period in our US history. I donā€™t think we will ever recover given that the majority of the country voted for this fool. I love and respect my Canadian neighbors and am in utter shock daily. Cruelty, inhumanity and greed seem to be our new characteristics. Pray for us because we are not coming out of this whole.

    I plan to watch the new Sweet Magnolias season. Nice distraction.

    1. thathappyreader

      It is a nice distraction. I do pray for us all Jonetta and I believe scary times are ahead of us.

  6. Teri

    I just grabbed the Abby Jimenez from Amazon a few minutes ago, am looking forward to reading it

    1. thathappyreader

      I hope that we both enjoy it Teri!

  7. Marg @ The Intrepid Reader

    It is disheartening to watch what is happening in the US and feel the effects in other countries.

    I read the Abby Jimenez last night and liked it! It made me smile!

    Have a great week

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks Marg. Iā€™m glad to hear the book made you smile.

  8. Carla

    Although we are not as cold here in the Midwest, I totally agree that Spring cannot come fast enough. I really like the cover of all the books you acquired this week. I really enjoyed the travel post. Have a wonderful week!

  9. Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life

    I am miserable over the news these days. I live just across the Detroit River from Canada and we have such a good relationship in my area with Canada and Canadians. šŸ™

    The Fall Risk might be the book that gets me to read Jiminez!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Erin! I live in a border town as well and have family in Washington State. I hope you enjoy The Fall Risk!

  10. Tina

    I say stay strong Canada! It’s embarassing for those of us who do not support trump and I would hope other nations know he does NOT speak or act for all Americans. I blame the 90 Million registered voters who did not turn out and could have made a difference.

    You gave gotten so much snowfall, I would like to see a snow blower or thrower in action. Good reading you’ve gotten in.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Tina. I know that he does not speak or act on behalf of many Americans. Itā€™s sad that the better person for the job did not win the election.

  11. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    That Abby Jimenez book looks good! I love that you call it a snow thrower when we’ve always called it a snow blower. I like the snow thrower name better! We are having the winter temps here, and getting more snow this week I think in a few different storms coming through. I hope you have a good week!

    1. thathappyreader

      We have electric snow shovels, throwers and blowers here Lisa!

  12. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Stay strong! Trump doesn’t deserve any help or attention from Canada. I hope you have a good week!

  13. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I love Canada and hate what the current government is doing in pretty much everything. I’m so sorry. We are warmer this month, a bit although this week we will get rain and nights around freezing which is more normal winter for us. I do have the cool season veggies planted and will be watching them. Enjoy your new reads!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Anne. Good for you to have your cool season veggies planted. We will need to wait here for another 6 weeks or so. Have a great week.

  14. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I mean the US government not the Canadian government to clarify.

  15. Vicki

    I haven’t watched Sweet Magnolias, it looks good so I’m adding it to my watch list.

  16. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    Jodie, please accept my apologies for the statements made by the person who is currently our president. It’s embarrassing.

    A Wedding in Lake Como sounds like a very fun book. Enjoy!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Deb.You do not have to apologize for his actions or comments.

  17. Carla@CarlaLovesToRead

    I didn’t realize you got that much snow to need a snow thrower, Jodie. Spending 3 months in Florida is not easy with the political climate the way it is. I have contemplated leaving a few times. I have a group of about 12 people that I spend my time with and we try not to talk politics at all. They are all Democrats, but there are others here that are not. I want to grab that Jimenez book, so off I go. I also want to watch the new season of Sweet Magnolias, but a few days ago, they kicked me off Netflix as I am using my son’s and they are still watching in Windsor. I think it is time to get my own, but will have to wait until I get home to do it.

    1. thathappyreader

      It must be very challenging Carla. I have my parents on my Netflix account for a minimal charge ($7 or 8?) which allows them to have the same account type as I do. I did this through Netflix.

  18. Her Digital Coffee

    It’s been an exhausting few weeks with what’s been happening on the news. I’m glad that so many of us are coming together and discovering new places to shop and to support local. I hope you have a great week Jodie!

    1. thathappyreader

      It has been exhausting Winnie. I hope youā€™re having a great week too.

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