2022 Special Feature

What Celebrity Book Clubs Are Reading in April 2022


Retired nurse, avid reader and travel buff.

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  1. Amanda Kay Oaks

    What a great selection of books from celebrity book clubs this month! I was excied to see True Biz as the Reese Book Club pick.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Amanda!

  2. Sarah Collins

    Lessons in chemistry and Memphis are on my list

    1. thathappyreader

      They both sound good! Thanks for reding Sarah.

  3. Fadima Mooneira

    Cool information. I joined Angurie Rice Book Club. They always share good books. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. thathappyreader

      That’s wonderful Fadima! Thanks for reading.

  4. Wendy Williams

    I have to agree with GMA on their pick of Lessons in Chemistry. It sure was a good one. I love this post, Jodie!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you Wendy! I’m glad you enjoyed Lessons in Chemistry.

  5. Carla

    I love this post. I have Memphis and Lessons in Chemistry on my TBR. I am happy to see these two selected for these book clubs.

    1. thathappyreader

      That’s wonderful Carla! Thanks for reading! 😊

    2. thathappyreader

      That’s great Carla! Thanks for reading.😊

  6. Her Digital Coffee

    I love this selection for April! I’ll be adding The Way of Integrity to my list of TBR. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

    1. thathappyreader

      That’s wonderful! Thanks for reading!

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