2024 Feature Who Wears It Better

Who Wears It Better in January 2024? #whowearsitbetter #bookfun

Who Wears It Better?
  1. ER LeVar

    I usually agree with your judgments here… but I disagree with the Debbie Macomber covers! I think the cornerstone one feels almost fairytale. They’re both good, but I think the cornerstone cover feels more cozy and enchanting (at least in my opinion!).

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for letting me know your thoughts ER!

  2. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I think I like the first cover for all of these best. Although I don’t know if I really like either for The Storm We Made. Thanks for sharing, this is always a fun post!

  3. Melissa

    What a creative idea for a post! It’s so cool to see the different covers side by side. I kind of like the design for all of them for different reasons! Great analysis of the differences! Thanks for sharing!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for letting me know your thought Melissa!

  4. JamieAdStories

    I like both the snow ones.

  5. Karalee

    It was fun seeing the different covers for the books! For the covers, I do like the ones that include a tagline because you get a small glimpse into what the book is about. I love the Center Point Pub’s cover of The Secret of Snow because it looks cozy with the warm socks and drink. I don’t like the Celadon Books’ cover of The Fury either because it does look like the evil eye, while the other one has a tagline with an island.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for letting me know your thoughts Karalee!

  6. Jonetta | Blue Mood Café

    We agree on all of them! Love the post, Jodie💜

  7. Carla

    I agree with all your choices this month, Jodie. Even though I haven’t read them all, the choices help me know more about the book.

  8. Caroline

    This is such a fun post! I really love the Graydon House cover of The Secret of Snow, maybe I should read it haha x

  9. Her Digital Coffee

    I love the mysterious cover from Pamela Dorman for First Lie Wins, both for Last One Home, Simon & Schuster for Storm We Made, Graydon House for Secret of Snow, and Celadon for The Fury. Thank you for sharing this fun post, I can’t wait to add First Lie Wins and The Fury to my TBR list!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thank you for letting me know your choices Winnie!

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