It’s time for Who Wears it Better in May 2023? In this feature, I look at different book covers used for the same book.  In some cases, the cover is chosen by geography (e.g. North America or UK).  Other times, it’s based on the edition of the book (hardcover, paperback, kindle etc). Where it becomes confusing is when the book is given a completely different title! Just for fun, and because I love talking books, let’s see what different books covers I’ve noticed recently.  You can click on the book covers to read my review of each book when available.  Let’s go!
The Island Villa/Summer Wedding by Sarah Morgan:

Not only are these book covers different, but it was decided that this book should have different names depending on the region! The UK cover has a summer feel to it – the turquoise water blending right into the sky. The US cover looks like the book is set in Oia (Santorini) Greece with the bougainvillea and blue domes on the white buildings. I love them both but will choose the US version for the level of detail.
Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld:

These are completely different covers as well! The Doubleday cover has a photo of a woman driving a car. The Random House cover has the title of the book against various shades of red and pink with some stars. If I’m completely honest, neither cover is particularly attractive to me. If I were to choose just one, I would select the Doubleday cover.
The Second Chance Store/Preloved by Lauren Bravo:

This is another case with the same book not only has different covers, but different titles. The Avon cover shows the outside of a second hand store while the Simon Schuster UK cover has a sketch of a woman leaning against a lamp and deep in thought. I like the colours used in each of these books and prefer the font used in the Simon Schuster UK version. Not having read this book I think the Avon cover represents its title more than the other version does and select that cover for this reason.
The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry:

Here’s a book with three different versions of its cover which are all very different from one another. They all have a vintage feel that goes along with the fact this book is in Historical Fiction genre. Having said that, I’m not really a big fan of any of these covers. If I have to choose one I’d choose the HarperCollins cover as I like the animals and bird that are included on this one.
The Paris Daughter by Kristin Harmel:

Once again we have three different covers for this historical fiction book. The Welbeck book represents the two cities that the story is set in. The Gallery Books has a woman gazing at the Eiffel tower. The Center Point shows the military aircraft which represents wartime. My favourite is the Gallery Books cover for the colours used and the tranquil feel to this cover.
So that’s Who Wears it Better in May 2023? I’d love to know which covers you prefer, so please let me know in the comments. I appreciate you reading and supporting this blog and hope that you have a wonderful day.
Previous Versions of Who Wears it Better?

Jonetta | Blue Mood Café
Love this post💜
I feel the same way as you about the Morgan book and share your dislike of both of the Romantic Comedy covers, though I’d go with the Random House one. I’m not fond of real life images like this for fiction.
I also had the same sentiments about the Bravo book (much prefer the Avon title, too). I would not have understood the Preloved title without the other version.
I’d never seen the other covers for The Secret Book of Flora Lea (I have the Atria version) and am ambivalent about all of them. I like mine more because it has more interesting elements.
I think the Gallery version of The Paris Daughter has the most beautiful typeface so that would be my choice, too.
Thanks for letting me know your thoughts Jonetta!
Her Digital Coffee
These are always so much fun! I love The US cover for The Island Villa, Random House for Romantic Comedy, Avon for The Second Chance, Atria for The Secret Book, and Gallery for The Paris Daughter. It’s very cool to see that some have 3 covers! Thank you for sharing Jodie. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for letting me know your thoughts! Have a wonderful weekend!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
I like the US cover of The Island Villa best. Not too sure on the rest. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for letting me know your thoughts Lisa!
I agree with your choice for the Sarah Morgan book. I don’t care of either of the covers for Romantic Comedy and I actually started that book and didn’t really care for it either. I agree with all your other choices, Jodie, and not having read them yet, I can’t really say much else. I have the Atria cover for the Flora Lea book and it isn’t my favourite. I love these posts.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Carla!