2022 Special Feature

Who Wears It Better? – January 2022

  1. Sarah Collins

    Love this post and have to say I’m in agreement on them all especially Lucky!

  2. Jenny

    What fun! Every cover gives off totally different vibes.

    1. thathappyreader

      Don’t they though? Thanks for reading Jenny!

  3. Dorothy Berry-Lound

    I never knew they sometimes use different covers for different countries how interesting. For A Lady’s Giide To Mischief And Mayhem I much prefer the original.

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Dorothy!

  4. Molly Transatlantic Notes

    This is such a great idea for a post! It’s amazing the difference a cover can make; from deciding whether you want to read it to what hints/ideas it gives you about the story itself. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. thathappyreader

      I absolutely agree Molly! There are covers that definitely attract me to reading the synopsis of a book while others don’t. Thanks for reading.

  5. Jamieadstories

    Sometimes the covers are quite different. I prefer the UK Kinsella one that you display.

  6. I'm All Booked Up

    We like the US covers better except for The Party Crasher.

  7. Jenny

    This is fun and shows you how covers make all the difference.

    1. thathappyreader

      It definitely can Jenny! Thanks for reading.

  8. Jaya Avendel

    Love these Who Wears it Better book editions, so this one was fun to read! It is so interesting to see how covers for the same book change due to the edition and what makes one stand out over the other. I prefer clean covers with good color choices, hence I prefer the US Kiss Quotient Cover. 🙂

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Jaya! I find it interesting to see what others choose as their favourites. ☺️

  9. Charity

    I love this idea of comparing different book covers for the same book! How fun is that?!

    1. thathappyreader

      It’s a lot of fun for me! Thanks for reading Charity.

  10. Wendy Williams

    I love this post Jodie, and I look forward to it. I agree with you on these covers. Especially the Party Crasher. I just finished the book last week, and I agree that the UK cover depicts the story much better.

  11. vourneen

    I always love your ‘Who Wears it Better’ posts! I actually chose the very same as you in all my book cover choices, so it seems as though we have the same taste 🙂

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading and letting me know your choices Vourneen!

  12. BookMeSomeTime

    I love this idea!!! This is such an amazing post 🥰

  13. Jenny in Neverland

    I love these posts from you! There’s always quite a stark difference between UK and US covers but on a whole I typically prefer UK covers!

    1. thathappyreader

      That’s interesting Jenny! I certainly see a divide most months between those in the UK preferring their covers and those in North America preferring theirs. Of course there is always a few exceptions.

  14. Stephanie

    Alright, since I just read The Party Crasher, I have to say that the UK cover makes the most sense with the storyline! I think it’s so cute too! And as far as some of the others go, I mostly prefer the UK covers. Although, the US version of The Kiss Quotient definitely wins for me because it’s just so cute and it pairs so well with the covers for the other two books in the series!

    1. thathappyreader

      Thanks for reading Stephanie! I hope you enjoyed The Party Crasher as much as I did.

  15. Lynn

    Aw, what a fun post! I am definitely drawn to a more colourful and cartoony-covered book! Great post, Jodie! x

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

  16. Giulia

    I don’t like illustrated covers much, and I am not a fan of the covers with an object on them either. Covers these days aren’t doing much for me in the contemporary fiction/romance genres. That aside, this is a fun post idea! I loved it and hope you do more.

    1. thathappyreader

      It’s a regular monthly Sunday feature Giulia! Thanks for reading.

  17. Sophie

    I love the concept of this as a series although the multiple covers thing does annoy me sometimes. The number of times I’ve thought I haven’t read something or that Goodreads has shown me the wrong book is embarrassing. Having said that, I do prefer the UK covers for most of them!

  18. thathappyreader

    Thanks Sophie! It’s the name change that has me even more confused!

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